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Virtual Tastemaker Conference 2023
VTC 2023
Future-Proof Your Monetization
How to Confidently Negotiate and Earn What you Deserve
How to Cultivate Long-Term Partnerships for Dependable Income
Lunch Excursion - Crispy Fried Chicken
Monetization Strategies Using Data
How to Grow a Multi-Dimensional Culinary Business
Are You Ready for a Influencer Talent Manager?
Feeding Your Success: Create Profits by Converting Food Blog Followers into Loyal Paying Customers
How to Create Content That People Actually Want to Read
BONUS: The Tricks to Creating Topics That Actually Generate Traffic
BONUS: How to Create Diverse Brand Partnerships - Food Blogging and Content Creation
BONUS: An Introduction to Licensing, Rachel Korinek, Two Loves Studio
BONUS: Affiliate Marketing 101
BONUS: An Introduction to Licensing, Rachel Korinek, Two Loves Studio
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